Russian Russian Words for Appliances

Could learning appliances in Russian help you save the world? Maybe. Yakov will help you learn Russian appliances with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!

Russian mini-course

English Russian Roman Spelling
blender блендер blender
dishwasher посудомоечная машина posudomoechnaya mashina
dryer сушильная машина sushilnaya mashina
freezer морозильник kholodil’nik
fridge холодильник morozil’nik
iron утюг utyug
microwave микроволновая печь mikrovolnivaya pech
oven духовка dukhovka
toaster тостер toster
washer стиральная машина stiral’naya mashina
water heater кипятельник kipyatelnik

Learning Russian Appliance Words

If you haven't enjoyed learning appliances in Russian, maybe you'll enjoy some other Russian words. May our journey to learn Russian be a great one! Try this page for common Russian phrases. We also have culture pages under the Russian language theme.