Spanish Beachless Country Spanish Phrases Conversation

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Spanish English
Tatiana Sí, pero un acto muy heroico Yes, but one very heroic act
Que siempre nos enseñan that they always teach us
en la…en la escuela in…in school
y que nosotras sabemos and that we know
fue la—el acto heroi—heroico was the—the heroi—heroic act
Que tuvo Eduardo Abaroa. by Edward Abaroa.
Eduardo Abaroa fue, Edward Abaroa was,
como todos, like everyone,
un muchacho. a young man.
Se puede decir un muchacho You could say a young man
porque no era mayor because he was no older
de treinta años than 30 (years)
o tal vez un poco menos. or perhaps a little younger (less).
Pero él dijo But he said
Que él iba a defender that he was going to defend
ese pedazo de tierra that piece of land
Que nos estaban robando, that they were taking (stealing)
con su vida. with his life.
Entonces él dijo— So he said—
¿Te acuerdas las palabras Do you remember the words
Que él dijo, Nina, that he said, Nina,
antes de morir? before he died?
“¿Rendirme yo? “Surrender (myself)?”
¡Cobardes! Cowards!
¡Qué se rinda su abuela!” May your grandmother surrender!
Él lo dijo así He said it that way
y una furia de…de hombres malos and a fury of…of bad men
lo atacaron attacked him
y lo mataron and killed him
y él…él murió, and he…he died,
pero heroica-heroicamente. but heroic—heroically.
Tatiana De todas maneras Anyway
nosotros no pudimos tener we couldn’t have
ese pedazo de tierra. that piece of land.
Entonces nosotros—Bolivia, So we—Bolivia,
el—es uno de los países it—it’s one of the countries
que no tiene that doesn’t have
salida al mar. an exit to the sea.
Antonina Exacto. Exactly.
Y así fue cómo And that is how
perdimos el mar. we lost the sea.
Después perdimos todos los países Afterwards we lost all the countries
que nos rodean. that were around us.
Nos robaron They stole
un pedazo de tierra. our piece of land.
Con Brasil With Brazil
perdimos todo el Mato Grosso. we lost the entire Mato Grosso.
Y eso es una historia muy, muy interesante And that is a very, very interesting story
y a la vez and at the same time
muy chistosa. very funny.
Bueno. Okay.
El presidente en esa época In that era the president
era una persona was a person
que era muy déspota. who was very tyranical.
Era bastante orgulloso He was very prideful
y era bastante, ehm— and was very, um—
le gustaba hablar he liked to talk
de sí mismo. about himself.
Entonces los brasileros conocían eso. So the Brazilians knew that.
Sabían They knew
que él era…era amante that he was…was in love (a lover)
de sí mismo. with (of) himself.
Y ellos trajeron un caballo. And they brought a horse.
En Bolivia, In Bolivia,
Tenemos caballos we have horses
pero nunca but never
el presidente había visto had the president seen
un caballo blanco. a white horse.
Antonina Él—los—el presidente de Brasil He—they—the president of Brazil
trajo un caballo blanco brought a white horse
y se lo regaló, and he gave it to him (as a present),
y dijo que— and he said that—
“Para el más grande presidente “For the (most) greatest president
que he conocido,” that I have known,”
y le dio el…el caballo blanco. and he gave him the…the white horse.
Y nuestro presidente And our president
tenía un mapa had a map
que era…era un poco grande that was…was a little big
en el piso on the floor
y dijo, and he said,
“Como presente—como regalo hacia ustedes, “As a gift—as a gift for (towards) you (all),
tráigame el caballo, bring me the horse,
y donde pise, and wherever he steps,
el tamaño de su pata— the size of his hoof—
les voy a regalar.” I will give you (as a present).
Entonces el tamaño So the size
que era la…la pisada del caballo… that was the…the footstep of the horse…
Tatiana Era todo el Mato Grosso. Was the entire (whole) Mato Grosso.
Antonina Que es…que es rico Which is…which is rich
en castaña in chestnuts
y en otros recursos naturales. and other natural resources.
Entonces se lo regaló prácticamente So it was practically given (as a present)
a Brasil. to Brazil.
Y así es cómo perdimos esa parte And that is how we lost that part
con el Brasil. with Brazil.

Now you know the story behind the geographical shape of Bolivia. All of the conversations and lists come from the Premium Services. Be sure to click on the Premium Services demo to learn about how you can better understand native speakers.

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