Spanish Spansih Subjunctive AR Verbs

Now let’s learn how to conjugate AR subjunctive verbs in Spanish. They are virtually identical to the commands you just learned in the last section. To conjugate “AR” subjunctive verbs, you put on the opposite or “ER/IR” endings. Come back and review with the audio flash cards and the Lingo Dingo.

Spanish mini-course

AR Subjunctive Endings

-e -emos
-es -éis
-e -en

For example, if you said, Juan hopes that I help. It would be “Juan espera que yo ayude”. Now look at the rest of the conjugations for each person. Remember, it’s not the trigger that is subjunctive. It’s the phrase after.

Juan espera que yo uyude
Juan espera que tú ayudes
Juan espera que él ayude
Juan espera que ella ayude
Juan espera que Ud. Ayude
Juan espera que nosotros ayudemos
Juan espera que vosotros ayudéis
Juan espera que ellos ayuden
Juan espera que ellas ayuden
Juan espera que Uds. ayuden

Let’s have a quiz on the “ar” subjunctive endings. We’ll use the subjunctive trigger “María espera que…”

María espera que…

I study a lot (yo) estudie mucho
you (tú) ayudes (tú) ayudes
he sings well (él) cante bien
we prepare well (nosotros) preparemos bien
they invite me (ellos) me inviten
all of you attend (Uds.) asisten

Spanish Review

I doubt they'll answer dudo que contesten
(Martín) You want us to ask quieres que preguntemos
He likes her to paint le gusta que pinte
She needs you all to buy necesita que paguen
(Sr. Mendes) You prefer them to call prefiere que llamen
We tell him to clean decimos que limpie
They hope you (Lucia) cook esperan que cocines
All of you wish me to dance desean que baile
I don't believe you (Sra. Muñoz) drive... no creo que maneje…
(Marta) You ask them to draw pides que dibujen
He insists that we eat breakfast insiste en que desayunemos
She doesn't think she'll eat dinner no piensa que cene
We want him to finish queremos que termine
They like you (Jose) to fix les gusta que arregles
All of you need me to help necesitan que ayude
I prefer that you (Sra. Rojas) keep... prefiero que guarde
We tell them to jump decimos que salten
We wish (desire) her to invite deseamos que invite
(Pablo) You don't believe she'll need no crees que necesite
(Paola) You ask him to listen to pides que escuche
(Miguel) You don't think you'll return? no piensas que regreses?
It's hard (difficult) for him to swim es difícil que nade
It's important that he speak es importante que hable
it's necessary for him to rest es necesario que descanse
without you preparing (Sra. Ortega) sin que prepare
it's possible that he'll paint es posible que pinte
so that I surprise para que sorprenda
before I study antes que estudie