Spanish Bolivian Politics Spanish Phrases

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Word(s) algunas batallas some battles
Phrase(s) Tenemos también algunas batallas We also have some battles
Word(s) es muy cálido it's very warm
Phrase(s) es muy cálido. is very warm.
Word(s) es muy seco it's very dry
Phrase(s) Es muy…es muy seco It’s very…it’s very dry
Word(s) los soldados the soldiers
Phrase(s) Y todos los soldados And all the soldiers
Word(s) lugares muy fríos very cold places
Phrase(s) eran de lugares muy fríos. Were from very cold places.
Word(s) lo que más nos ayudó what helped us most
Phrase(s) Y lo que más nos ayudó, And what most helped us,
Word(s) ganar la guerra to win the war
Phrase(s) al poder ganar la guerra del Chaco, to be able to win the Chaco War,
Word(s) no estaban capacitados they weren't trained/qualified
Phrase(s) no estaban capacitados Were not prepared (qualified)
Word(s) soportar to put up with
Phrase(s) para soportar to withstand
Word(s) se deshidrataban they got dehydrated
Phrase(s) Ellos se deshidrataban They became dehydrated
Word(s) pruebas trials
Phrase(s) de las muchas…de las muchas pruebas the many…the many trials
Word(s) la economía the economy
Phrase(s) de cómo está la economía of how the economy is (what’s the economy like)
Word(s) la presidencia the presidency
Phrase(s) y cómo está la presidencia and how the presidency is
Word(s) mejorar to improve
Phrase(s) porque queremos mejorar a because we want to improve
Word(s) surgir to come up
Phrase(s) y que—que pueda un día surgir and that—that one day it may arise
Word(s) un país hermoso a beautiful country
Phrase(s) es un país hermoso. is a beautiful country.
Word(s) los gobernantes the leaders / the rulers
Phrase(s) Pero luego los gobernantes— But then the leaders—
Word(s) gobernar to govern
Phrase(s) porque tiene que gobernar because he has to govern
Word(s) ha sido electo he has been elected
Phrase(s) Evo Morales ha sido electo Evo Morales has been elected
Word(s) por segunda vez for the second time
Phrase(s) por segunda vez. for the second time.
Word(s) lamentablemente unfortunately
Phrase(s) Lamentablemente, Unfortunately,
Pero lamentablemente, But unfortunately,
Word(s) la población the population
Phrase(s) de la población of the population
Word(s) indígena indigenous
Phrase(s) es indígena is indigenous
es un indígena. is indigenous.
un indígena an indigenous person
Word(s) para aclarar to clear up
Phrase(s) Antes, para aclararles, First (before), to clear things up,
Word(s) el campo the field
Phrase(s) que vive en el campo that lives in the country
Word(s) económicamente economically
Phrase(s) No sólo el hecho económicamente, Not only the fact economically
Word(s) conocimiento intelectual intellectual knowledge
Phrase(s) de conocimiento intelectual of intellectual knowledge
Word(s) las responsabilidades the responsibilities
Phrase(s) las…las responsabilidades the…the responsibilities
Word(s) los tratados the treaties
Phrase(s) Él tiene que hacer los tratados He has to make the treaties
Word(s) los eventos the events
Phrase(s) los eventos. the events.
Word(s) las ventajas the advantages
Phrase(s) Cuáles son las ventajas What are the advantages
Word(s) exportar to export
Phrase(s) que tenemos para exportar that we have to export
Word(s) el estudio the study
Phrase(s) por el estudio because of the study
Word(s) por ejemplo for example
Phrase(s) Como, por ejemplo, Like, for example,
Word(s) aliados allied / allies
Phrase(s) muy aliados very close

These Spanish phrases come from a conversation about Bolivian politics. All of the conversations and lists come from the Premium Services. Be sure to click on the Premium Services demo to learn about how you can better understand native speakers.

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