Spanish Spanish Verbs - Group 5

Group 5 has 25 more Spanish verbs for you to learn. Learn for free with audio flash cards and the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo! One of these verbs could help you save the world!

Spanish mini-course

English Spanish
to brush cepillarse
to get up levantarse
to meet reunirse
to shave afeitarse
to forget olvidarse
to swim nadar
to invite invitar
to start empezar
to be located quedar
to leave something or someone dejar
to fall down caer
to happen pasar
to enter entrar
English Spanish
to draw dibujar
to drive manejar
to fix arreglar
to go down bajar
to lower bajar
to hit pegar
to jump saltar
to keep guardar
to maintain guardar
to die morir
to loan prestar
to love amar

Learning Spanish Verbs Group 5

Since you have learned the verb which means to love, you should learn how to say I love you in Spanish. Return to the Spanish verbs menu when you have mastered Group 5 of the Spanish verbs. You are doing great! There are also lists of Spanish words available for you to use and learn. We hope that you can have fun as you learn Spanish.