• Cooking at Home Spanish Lesson

    Cooking at Home Spanish Video Lesson Cooking at Home Vocabulary: This lesson will prepare you for Facebook Fiesta Friday, where everyone comes to practice their Spanish. Here is vital vocabulary you will need for cooking at home. You never know, you just might start a Spanish cooking show someday. to break or crack the egg romper el huevo to fry the egg freír el huevo to boil the egg hervir el huevo to scramble the eggs revolver los huevos scrambled eggs huevos revueltos What do you want for dinner? ¿Qué vas a querer para cenar? Where is the recipe book? ¿Dónde está el libro de recetas? frying pan la sartén a pot una olla Use the spatula. Usa la espátula. Don’t let it burn! ¡No dejes que se queme! After you …