Spanish Subjunctive ER IR Spanish Verbs

Now let’s learn how to conjugate ER IR subjunctive verbs. They are basically identical to the ER IR endings you learned in the commands section. To conjugate “ER IR” subjunctive verbs, you put on the opposite or “AR” endings. Come back and review with audio flash cards and the Lingo Dingo.

Spanish mini-course

ER IR Subjunctive Endings

-a -amos
-as -áis
-a -an

For example, if you said “Rosa wants me to learn”. It would be “Rosa quiere que yo aprenda”. Now look at the rest of the conjugations for each person. Remember, it’s not the trigger that you conjugate for subjunctive. It’s the phrase after the trigger phrase.

Rosa quiere que yo aprenda
Rosa quiere que tú aprendas
Rosa quiere que él aprenda
Rosa quiere que ella aprenda
Rosa quiere que Ud. aprenda
Rosa quiere que nosotros aprendamos
Rosa quiere que vosotros ayudáis
Rosa quiere que ellos aprendan
Rosa quiere que ellas aprendan
Rosa quiere que Uds. aprendan

Let’s have a quiz on the “ar” subjunctive endings. We’ll use the subjunctive trigger “Juan no piensa que…” (Juan doesn’t think that…).

I read much (yo) lea mucho
Paco writes well escriba bien
we live here (nosotros) vivamos aquí
they run (ellos) corran
all of you sell (Uds.) vendan
you (tú) understand (tú) comprendas
she sees well (ella) vea bien
you (Ud.) decide quickly (Ud.) decida rápidamente

Spanish Review

they doubt that they'll attend dudan que asistan
we want you (Sr. Venegas) to live queremos que viva
she likes him go up le gusta que suba
it's important that they decide es importante que decidan
he needs us to open necesita que abramos
you (Sergio) prefer her to write prefieres que escriba
it's hard for him to understand es dificil que comprenda
they hope that you (Diana) sell esperan que vendas
we wish her to believe deseamos que crea
She doesn't believes that you'll (Sra. Toro) eat no cree que coma
it's necessary that he learn es necesario que aprenda
He asks you all to drink Pide que beban
You (Luis) insist that they promise inistes que prometan
without us reading sin que leamos
it's possible that she'll run es posible que corra mañana
they don't think that you all understand no piensan que compredan
so that he'll write para que escriba
before you (Salma) recieve antes que reciba
perhaps he'll attend tal vez asista
unless I permit a menos que permita
hopefully they'll read ojalá que lean
as long as we sell con tal de que vendamos
We hope we learn esperamos que aprendamos
(Sra. Perez) You doubt you all attending duda que asistan
perhaps I'll write tal vez escriba
unless I sell a menos que venda
hopefully they'll decide ojalá (que) decidan
as long as they don't read con tal de que no lean