Flash Card Apps

When I first began learning Spanish, it was important for me to consistently review and reinforce what I was learning. In fact, that is still very important today and will be forever. I reviewed reading, computer and audio materials and would take notes of a few concepts I was learning and  glance at them throughout the day. Before smartphones, I used index cards for review. Now I do virtually everything on my PC or my iPhone.

I recently had a need for a flash cards app and away I went to the app store. In my research, one particular website about flashcards apps was very useful. I suggest you visit flashcardapps.info to view information about 167 flashcard apps for the iPhone and iPad.

That website owner gives a few features you need to consider when trying to find the best flash card app for you:

  • Ability to download ready-made cards from Quizlet, Study Stack, Flashcard Exchange or the ProVoc library
  • Ability to share stacks over wi-fi, bluetooth or email
  • Import and export spreadsheets and textfiles
  • Ability to track and change your flash card stacks
  • Sync across multiple devices
  • Sounds, images, text-to-speech
  • Translation
After looking over many of them, these are 3 of my favorites (the links will open in iTunes):

Chegg Flashcards

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  • Василий Пила July 28th, 2016 at 15:28

    The only negative side to this app is that it is difficult to delete a set after the user is finished using it. It appears that the only way to delete a flashcard set is to log into the website app and delete using the tools located within the flashcard set.

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