Chinese Family

Since your family will be honored when you save the world, it's important that you introduce them properly in Chinese. Yang Yu will help you learn the family words in Chinese with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!

Chinese mini-course

English Roman Spelling
 aunt gū mā
 boyfriend nán péng yǒu
brother xiōng dì
 brother-in-law jiě mèi fu
 cousins biǎo xiōng dì jiě mèi
 dad diē
 daughter nǚ ér
 daughter-in-law xí fù
 family jiā tíng
 father fù qīn
father-in-law yuè fù
 fiancé wèi hūn fū
 friend péng yǒu
 girlfriend nǚ péng yǒu
 grandma zǔ mǔ
English Roman Spelling
 grandpa zǔ fù
 grandparents zǔ fù mǔ
 husband zhàng fū
 mother mǔ qīn
 mother-in-law yuè mǔ
 nephew zhí zi
niece zhí nǚ
 relationships guān xì
 sister jiě mèi
 sister-in-law gū sǎo
 son ér zi
 son-in-law nǚ xù
 uncle shū shu
 wife qī zi

Learning Chinese Family Words

Thanks for introducing your family! Learn more Chinese words to continue honoring them. Your efforts to learn Chinese will help you meet more people to honor. Learn Chinese phrases to better communicate with family and friends. The Chinese language pages help you learn about Chinese culture and other interesting things.