French French Clothes

Since you must be dressed to save the world, you'll need to have some clothes. Veronique will help you learn the different types of clothes in French with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!

French mini-course

English French
the ball cap la casquette
the belt la ceinture
the clothes les vêtements
the coat le manteau
the cotton le coton
the dress la robe
the gloves les gants
the hat le chapeau
the jacket la veste
the pajamas le pyjama
the pants le pantalon
the purse le sac à main
English French
the sandals les sandales
the shirts les chemises
the shoelace le lacet de chaussure
the shoes les chaussures
the skirt la jupe
the socks les chaussettes
the suit le costume
the sweater le pull
the swimming suit le maillot de bain
the tie la cravate
the velcro le velcro
the zipper la fermeture

Learning French Clothing Words

How do you like your new French clothes? Now that you're appropriately dressed to save the world, return to the French words menu for more words. You can accomplish your goal to learn French! There are also important French phrases you can learn. Don't forget the culture information on the French culture page.