French Family

Since your family will be honored when you save the world, it's important that you introduce them properly in French. Veronique will help you learn the family words in French with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!

French mini-course

English French
the aunt la tante
the boyfriend le petit-ami
the brother le frère
the brother-in-law le beau-frère
the cousins le cousin
the dad le papa
the daughter la fille
the daughter-in-law la belle-fille
the family la famille
the father le père
the father-in-law le beau-père
the fiancé le fiancé/la fiancée
the friend l'ami
the girlfriend la petite-amie
the grandma le grand-père
English French
the grandpa la grand-mère
the grandparents les grand-parents
the husband le mari
the mom la maman
the mother la mère
the mother-in-law la belle-mère
the nephew le neveu
the niece la nièce
the relationships les relations
the sister la soeur
the sister-in-law la belle-soeur
the son le fils
the son-in-law le beau-fils
the uncle l'oncle
the wife la femme

Learning French Family Words

When is the last time you told somebody in your family that you love them. Hopefully it hasn't been too long. Surprise them by saying I love you in French. Learn more French words to continue honoring them to continue impressing and surprising them. Your efforts to learn French will be appreciated. Learn French phrases to better communicate with family and friends. The French culture pages help you learn about French culture and other interesting things.