Chinese Chinese Words for Travel

If you could travel the world or save the world, which would you choose? Yang Yu will help you learn important travel words in Chinese with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!

Chinese mini-course

English Roman Spelling
airport jī chǎng
baggage xíng lǐ
boat chuán
bus station gōng jiāo chē zhàn
cable diàn bào
carry on suí shēn háng li
check-in dēng jì bào dào
check-out tuì fáng
departure lí jìng
flight háng bān
gate zhá
hotel jiǔ diàn
kiosk tíng
English Roman Spelling
landing jiàng luò
line háng liè
metal detector jīn shǔ tàn cè qì
platform píng tái
room fáng jiān
runway pǎo dào
security guard jǐng wèi
ship chuán
subway dì tiě
suitcase xíng lǐ xiāng
takeoff qǐ fēi
terminal háng zhàn lóu
ticket jī piào

Learning Chinese Travel Words

Hopefully you will be able to travel to China in your lifetime. When you have mastered these new words, return to the Chinese words menu to learn more words. Travel is one of the main reasons to learn Chinese. Many of the Chinese phrases on the site may be useful to you. It will also serve you well to visit the Chinese language section to learn about the Chinese culture.