Hebrew Hebrew Phrases

Learn Hebrew greetings, idiomatic expressions and basic phrases to get around and carry on basic conversations with native speakers.

English Hebrew Pronunciation
Hello, good-bye or peace Shalom
Good morning Boker tov
Good evening Erev tov
see you soon L'hitra'ot
What's up? Ma nishma
Yes Ken
No Lo
Thank you Toda
Excuse me/I'm sorry Slicha
Please/You're welcome Bevakasha
What is your name? (male/female) Eich korim lecha/lach?
My name is... Shmi...
How are you? (male/female) Ma shlomcha/shlomech?
Fine, OK B'seder
Not good Lo tov
Excellent Metzuyan
I'm tired (male/female) Ani ayef/ayefa
Student (male/female) Talmid/Talmida
Do you have...(male/female) Yesh lecha/lach...?
How much? Kama zeh oleh?
I want... (male/female) Ani rotzeh/rotzah
I don't want... (male/female) Ani lo rotzeh/rotzah...
Where is...? Eifoh...?
I'm going to... (male/female) Ani nose'a l'.../Ani nosa'at l'...
There is... Yesh...
There is no... Ain...
Do you know where ... is (female/male) Ata yodea eifoh nimtza.../(aht yoda'at) eifoh nimtza...
Wait/Just a moment Rega