Swedish Swedish Words

Start learning Swedish with the most useful and basic words frequently used in everyday conversations. This is the ultimate selection for beginners.

English Swedish Pronunciation
1 En/ett en/ett
2 två tfoo
3 tre trah
4 fyra feera
5 fem fahm
6 sex sax
7 sju hore
8 åtta otha
9 nio neeo
10 tio teeo
Black svart svaahrt
White vit veet
Gray grå groo
Red röd rud
Blue blå bloo
Yellow gul gool
Green grön grun
Orange orange/brandgul ohrahnj/braahnd gool
Purple lila/purpur/violett leela/poorpoor/veeo lat
Brown brun broon
Coffee kaffe ca-feh
Tea te teh
Juice juice yoos
Fruit juice fruktjuice frukht yoas
Water vatten vah tehn
Milk mjölk myolk
ice-cream glass gla-ss
Beer öl urhl
Beef biff/nötkött beeff/nyot-shyot
Fish fisk fihsk
Ham skinka sheenca
Sausage korv korv
Cheese ost oost
Salad sallad sahlad