Turkish Turkish Words

Start learning Turkish for free by memorizing some Turkish words that you’ll be able to use in everyday conversations with native speakers.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Now şimdi shim di
evening akşam ak sham
night gece ge jay
Black Siyah see yah
White Ak ak
Yellow Sarı saa rıh
Blue Mavi mao vee
Navy Lacivert la jee vert
Green Yeşil yea sheal
Red Kızıl khızıl
Pink Pembe pam bhe
Orange Turuncu too roon joo
Purple Mor more
Brown Kahverengi kaah ve rengi
Sunday Pazar paz ar
Monday Pazartesi paz ar tesi
Tuesday Salı saluh
Wednesday Çarşamba char sham ba
Thursday Perşembe per shem be
Friday Cuma juma
Saturday Cumartesi jumar tesi
Cheap ucuz oo juuz
Expensive pahalı pahaluh
coffee kahve kaahh veh
tea çay chaay
juice meyve suyu may veh soo yoo
soda water soda soh dah
water su soo
beer bira bee rah