Italian Italian Professions

Maybe you could save the world one profession at a time. Stella the Italian will help you learn the professions in Italian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!

Italian mini-course

English Italian
the accountant il ragioniere
the actor l'attore
the artist l'artista
the athlete l'atleta
the barber il barbiere
the boss il direttore
the business person l'uomo d'affari
the butcher il macellaio
the carpenter il falegname
the cashier il cassiere / la cassiera
the chef il cuoco / lo chef
the coach l'allenatore
the computer technician il tecnico del computer
the construction worker il lavoratore edile
the dentist il/la dentista
the doctor il dottore / la dottoressa
the engineer l'ingegnere
the farmer l'agricoltore
English Italian
the firefighter il pompiere
the hair dresser il parrucchiere / la parrucchiera
the judge il giudice
the lawyer/attorney l'avvocato
the librarian il bibliotecario / la bibliotecaria
the mail carrier il postino
the mason (brick layer) il muratore
the mechanic il meccanico
the nurse l'infermiere / l'infermiera
the police officer il poliziotto
the president il presidente
the professor il professore / la professoressa
the programmer il programmatore
the reporter il/la cronista
the secretary il segretario / la segretaria
the veterinarian il veterinario
the waiter il cameriere / la cameriera
the writer lo scrittore / la scrittrice

Learning Italian Profession Words

Which is your favorite profession? Once you've mastered them all, go back to the Italian words menu to learn words in other topics. Those who learn Italian could also learn a new profession or make their current job more exciting. If nothing else, go to the Italian phrases page and tell somebody you love them in Italian. Have fun learning the Italian culture!