Italian Italian Food I

Maybe you will save the world with food, so it is very important that you learn the basic food words in Italian. Stella the Italian will help you learn them in Italian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!

Italian mini-course

English Italian
the appetizer l'antipasto
the avocado l'avocado
the beef la carne (di manzo)
the breakfast la colazione
the cauliflower il cavolfiore
the celery il sedano
the cheese il formaggio
the chicken il pollo
the dessert il dolce
the dinner la cena
the egg l'uovo
the fish (cooked) il pesce (cotto)
The food il cibo
the french fries le patatine fritte
English Italian
the hamburger l'hamburger
the hotdog l'hotdog
the lettuce la lattuga
the lunch il pranzo
the main dish la portata principale
the milk il latte
the pork il maiale
the potatoes le patate
the salad l'insalata
the sandwich il panino
the soup la minestra
the sugar lo zucchero
the turkey il tacchino
the water l'acqua

Learning Italian Food I Words

If you didn't just save the world, you are probably very hungry. Go grab a snack and come back! Now that you have mastered this food list, return to the Italian words menu for another food list or something else. It is wonderful to eat and learn Italian at the same time! The lists of Italian phrases might be important, especially if you need to ask where the bathroom is now. Be sure to learn cool stuff about the Italian culture too!